We search and find your birth family, either father, mother or siblings in Germany and abroad.
Assisted initial contact
What is the actual situation of my birth parents? Am I bringing too much trouble into their lives? Does the person found perhaps have reasons to keep my existence secret from their family? “
According to our experience, finding out where a person is, is often as important as finding out where that person stands. That is why we assist you in initiating the contact. Upon request, we will research beforehand the current personal condition of the person found.
To make initial contact we follow two main principles:
We proceed sensitively and reconcile as far as possible the probably different interests of the people involved in the process.
We let you lead the process: you decide when is the right time to make the first contact and how far you want to go. We advise and walk with you in this whole process.
Our clients have often tried for years to discover well-kept family secrets. Not only out of sheer curiosity, but because they are concerned about their own life stories. Born at a time when many family details were kept in the closet, the enquirer now feels it’s the right time to learn about all the relevant biographical facts and people in his or her life. We locate the people involved and search for relevant existing files and documents, with the aim of enabling you to look back and shed some light on your early biography.
Consulting service:
Even after the search is complete, you still have the option of seeking advice from an expert. This may be required, if at a later stage conflicts of loyalties arise, for example with (adoptive) parents or other family members.